BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//AT Content Types//AT Event//EN VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20110221T143554Z CREATED:20070625T204004Z UID:ATEvent-1a3c0a1495a6ae01136e9786ff67521a LAST-MODIFIED:20080803T223912Z SUMMARY:Magic mirror on the net\, what's the fairest license yet?. A GPLv3 fairness tale DTSTART:20070811T130000Z DTEND:20070811T140000Z DESCRIPTION:In-depth discussion about the spirit of the GPL and the mo st important changes between GPLv2 and GPLv3\, from a point of view o f fairness and improved compliance with the spirit of the license\, based on the respect for the 4 Free Software freedoms. A SnowWhite t heme provides for some color.\n \n Charla sobre la GPLv3\, y cà ³mo ella queda más justa que la GPLv2 y\n otras licencias de Softw are\, incluso las libres\, basada en el cuento\n de la Blanca de Ni eve. LOCATION:Salón de Actos CATEGORIES:Comunidad,Filosofía CONTACT:Alexandre Oliva\, en\, URL: has the slides of the first presentation at FISL 8.0. It was first presented in Portuguese (although the slides were in English). I'm not sure I could make it in Spanish, so I CLASS:PUBLIC END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR