BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//AT Content Types//AT Event//EN VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20110221T161100Z CREATED:20070707T190944Z UID:ATEvent-a71b15365ffb4d39dd14a6a5abf825cf LAST-MODIFIED:20070719T135021Z SUMMARY:A tale of one standard\: ODF vs OOXML DTSTART:20070811T170000Z DTEND:20070811T180000Z DESCRIPTION:In a society that is increasingly dependent on technology\ nfor information interchange and storage\, interoperability and\nacces sibility are paramount. Standards are essential to these goals\,\nyet not all standards are created equal\: a comparison between ODF and\nOO XML illustrates the difference between a standard that is designed\nto ease interoperability and accessibilty\, and one that is intended to\ nprevent them. LOCATION:Salón de Actos CATEGORIES:Principiante,Técnica,Self CONTACT:David Megías - Georg Greve - Nagarjuna G - Gustavo Boksar\, en\, URL:Parte del track SELF CLASS:PUBLIC END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR