Acciones de Documento

The state of FOSS in Eastern Europe

Tema Comunidad Estado Educación Empresa Self
Cuándo 09/08/2007
de 10:00 a 11:00
Dónde Salón de Actos
Nombre Dessi Pefeva
Lenguaje en
Nivel básico

The presentation will be an overview of the status of usage and penetration of FOSS in the region of South-Eastern Europe

There will be presented some statistical data from the FLOSSWorld Project, covering countries in South-Eastern Europe. The data will present the situation in 4 categories - government, education, developers and employers. There will be introduced some lessons learned from the FOSS usage in the Public Administrations in Bulgaria and which are the barriers for the adoption of FOSS policy in governments.

Autor: Dessi Pefeva

Ms. Dessi Pefeva is coordinator within the Internet Society Bulgaria. She is working on initiatives for Poverty reduction through ICT and support to e-Government initiatives based on free/open source software (FOSS) for the South-eastern Europe. She is actively participating in the work of the TOSSAD and FLOSSWORLD Projects, funded by the EU FP6 Program. Ms. Pefeva organized the 2005 edition of the Bulgarian Big Brother Awards for government and private sector organisations which have done the most to threaten personal privacy in their countries. Dessi Pefeva is voting member of, and member and contributor to European Digital Rights (EDRI). Since October 2004, Dessi Pefeva is the Project Lead of Creative Commons Bulgaria initiative. She is founder of the Bulgarian creative commons blog and a co-founder of the Bulgarian portal for Creative Commons content - Open Dessi Pefeva is a contributor to the EPIC Annual Privacy and Human Rights Report 2005. She has publications in Bulgarian newspapers and magazines about Creative Commons, and she is Creative Commons and Free/open source software presenter. Prior to joining the Internet Society, she was working on the development of the Bulgarian E-Government Strategy and Action Plan at the Coordination Center for Information, Communication and Government Technologies.


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