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Using the GIMP for day to day Photo Editing.

Tema Arte, Comunicación y Cultura
Cuándo 11/08/2007
de 15:00 a 17:00
Dónde Lab D3
Nombre João Calligaris
Lenguaje en
Nivel medio

Digital images are each time more pervarsive in everyone's life. Still, several people own a camera and has the GIMP installed on their computers, but still don't know how to use the capabilities GIMP to improve, modify or apply visual effects to their images. This talk teaches the basics of GIMP usage.

Autor: João Calligaris

João Calligaris lives in Brazil and works as a small businness owner working with Free Software development and consulting. Over the last years he has focused in using the Python programing language for several purposes, including Zope/Plone deployments. Joao has been part of the GIMP team for some years, and is the current translator of the interface to Brazillian Portuguese. He had made several lectures on this program in Brazil, including twice at the FISL in Porto Alegre. João also keeps a monthly column about GIMP in "Easy Linux", a Brazillian magazine dedicated to the GNU/Linux operating system, and lectures on Image Editing using the GIMP for CEPROCAMP - a public school maintained by Campinas City townhall.

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